How to Get twitter Followers: 10 Tips and Tricks Of 2024

If you’re looking to increase your Twitter following, there are a number of tips and tricks you can try. Having more followers on twitter is vital for business and marketers. Gaining genuine followers on twitter is a daunting task. Building a loyal audience for your brand on twitter takes a lot of time. That’s why we’ve put together this list of 10 tips and tricks to help you get more Twitter followers. From optimising your profile to using hashtags and engaging with other users, these strategies can help you grow your following and build your presence on Twitter.

How to Get twitter Followers
How to Get twitter Followers

10 Tips and Tricks

Share valuable content

To attract and retain followers on Twitter, you need to share valuable content. Share industry news, interesting articles, and blog posts that are relevant to your followers. Also, consider using visual content like images, videos, and infographics to make your tweets more appealing.

Host a Twitter Chat

Hosting a Twitter chat is a great way to engage with your followers and attract new ones. Choose a relevant topic and a hashtag, and invite people to participate by tweeting their questions and comments. Make sure to promote the chat in advance and to engage with participants during the chat to keep the conversation flowing. Invite relevant industry experts and thought leaders to participate in the chat and share their insights.

Engage with followers

When it comes to Twitter, engaging with your followers is crucial. So, don’t leave them hanging! Respond to comments and messages as soon as you can, and show some love by retweeting or liking their relevant tweets. By interacting with your followers, you’ll build a bond with them, and they’ll be more loyal to your brand.

Follow relevant accounts

Following relevant accounts in your niche can help you gain new followers. When you follow other users, they will receive a notification and may follow you back. However, do not follow accounts indiscriminately, as this can lead to your account being flagged as spam.

  • Engage with these accounts by retweeting, liking, and commenting on their content to increase visibility and build relationships.
  • Use Twitter’s “Who to Follow” and “Lists” features to discover new and relevant accounts to follow.
  • Monitor your follower growth and engagement levels to identify which accounts are driving the most value.
  • Be strategic with who you follow and prioritise quality over quantity to ensure your Twitter feed is filled with valuable and relevant content

Use hashtags wisely

Twitter hashtags are like keys to unlock new audiences and increase your reach. So, make sure you include relevant hashtags in your tweets to make them more visible. But, don’t go overboard with the hashtags. Too many can come off as spammy and turn people off. Just use two or three appropriate hashtags per tweet, and you’ll be good to go!

Run Twitter ads

Twitter offers several advertising options that can help you gain new followers. Twitter ads allow you to target specific audiences and promote your account or tweets to them. You can also run sponsored tweets, which appear in users’ timelines, or promote your account in search results.

Set a clear goal for your Twitter ad campaign and monitor your results to measure success and make necessary adjustments.

Optimise your twitter profile

When people land on your Twitter page, the first thing they see is your profile. So, it’s super important to optimise it to get more followers. That means crafting a short and sweet bio that highlights who you are and what you’re about. And don’t forget to use a professional headshot as your profile pic, and choose a header image that captures your brand’s essence. Make sure to add a link to your website or blog so people can learn more about you.

Use visuals

Tweets with visuals are more engaging than those without, so if you want to attract more followers, make sure to include images, videos, and other visuals in your tweets. This will help your tweets stand out and get more attention, which can help you attract new followers.

  • Incorporate videos, animations, and GIFs to create engaging and shareable content.
  • Use infographics and data visualisations to present information in a visually compelling way.
  • Brand your visuals with your logo or a consistent colour scheme to increase brand recognition.
  • Use Twitter’s image preview feature to ensure your visuals stand out in users’ timelines.

Tweet on a regular basis

To keep your Twitter followers hooked and engaged, you need to be consistent. That means tweeting regularly and sharing your thoughts, ideas, and updates. But, don’t go overboard and spam your followers with too many tweets in a short span. Instead, aim to post one or two tweets per day, spread throughout the day. This way, you can connect with diverse audiences and keep everyone in the loop!

  • Create a content calendar to plan out your tweets and ensure a diverse mix of content types.
  • Vary the type of content you share, including text-based tweets, images, videos, and polls, to keep your followers engaged.

Run a twitter contest

Want to boost your Twitter following and get more people excited about your brand? One awesome way to do it is by hosting a Twitter contest! It’s easy – just ask your followers to retweet your tweet or use a specific hashtag to enter. And to really make it worth their while, consider offering an enticing prize, like a free product or a discount code. Just make sure to follow Twitter’s guidelines for contests and promotions, so everything stays above board.

  • Follow up with all contest participants, even those who did not win, to keep them engaged and potentially convert them into followers or customers.
  • Develop clear contest rules and guidelines, and communicate them clearly to users to avoid confusion and ensure a fair contest.
  • Use a dedicated contest hashtag to track entries and encourage users to share their participation with their own followers.


Gaining Twitter followers is not an easy task, but it is achievable if you follow the right strategies. The first and foremost step is to create a compelling profile and post content that resonates with your target audience. It is essential to remember that building a genuine following takes time and effort. You cannot expect to gain thousands of followers overnight. Instead, focus on building relationships with your audience, providing value, and being authentic.


How long does it take to see an increase in Twitter followers using these tips and tricks?

It depends on various factors such as your current following, the quality of your content, and the consistency of your efforts. However, building a genuine following takes time and effort, and you should expect to see gradual growth rather than an overnight success.

Are there any risks associated with running Twitter ads or hosting a Twitter contest to gain followers?

There are some risks associated with these tactics, such as receiving negative feedback from users who perceive the ads or contest as spammy or irrelevant. However, by following best practices and adhering to Twitter’s guidelines, you can minimise these risks and ensure that your campaigns are well-received by your target audience.

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